Monday, July 30, 2012

Justin Bieber

Okay so..... who thinks Justin Bieber has put out real music? I haven't heard real music in ages! Justin Bieber's music is autotune, fake instruments, and crap. Just sayin'. Real music was made back then. I don't know what happened to this generation, but I sure don't like it, and I cannot wait to laugh at Justin Bieber's music video ALAYLM (As Long As You Love Me) on wednesday. Such a comedy.

I'm not a hater, just a sane person.

Sunday Mornings

Sunday mornings for me are not that great. On saturday night, I set my alarm, hide my phone so my brain won't automatically make me pick my phone up and turn off the alarm, then when I wake up, I have to make myself get out of bed, get ready, let my dog out (best part), do my hair (UGH), and gather my things together. By the time Sunday School starts I hardly say a word because I'm not a morning person AT ALL, and my brain is not awake... AT ALL. So, I'm just sitting there listening, and when I'm asked a question I only get them right sometimes. Today I was only in the class with 2 classmates which means I had to answer more questions than usual. It was alright because I was a bit more awake than usual this morning. Might have been because I splashed water in my face, and made it an effort to try and remember all that we learned in Sunday School the previous weeks.

So all of that you just read is how my sunday mornings are every time. Sorry for any grammar mistakes if I made any!


Saturday, July 28, 2012

2012 Olympics!

Watched the Olympic opening ceremony! So amazing. Just spectacular. I'm such a big olympic fan! Can't wait to start watching the olympic sports!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Old Disney Shows

I've been watching That's So Raven, Lizzie McGuire, and Kim Possible on YouTube this summer. Old disney channel never gets old. LOVE it. Hate the new disney.

The old disney channel use to actually teach you lessons in the end no matter how funny. I hate when people think they have to change everything just for this generation. Ugh.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Can I just say one thing? I LOVE FOOD! I mean, who doesn't, but I REAAAAALLLLLLY LOVE FOOD! Flavors, textures. Food is amazing. That's all.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Thank you! :)

20 views from Russia, 4 views from US, and 1 view from Germany all in one day. Thank you! :D

Thursday, July 19, 2012

What's Been Going On?

What's going on in my life? Slept in late, did a bit of skating, gotta water the grass before it turns to dust, and yeah. So that is what has been going on. Nothing! Although I might go swimming soon.

Wish me luck today! :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Found this video! So hilarious.

Also hope you will see Martin Freeman in The Hobbit which is coming out this December and I cannot wait to see The Dark Knight Rises.


Anyway, watch the video. It's quite funny!


Saturday, July 14, 2012


Everyone and their mother needs to go to Portillo's Restaurant. Yummy burgers and great hot dogs. I don't really like their chili that much though.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012